Sasha Fishman (b. 1995, Baltimore, MD) is a sculptor and researcher based in New York. Working with materials such as hagfish slime, algae, and cicada shells, Sasha's work investigates marine biomaterial extraction, toxicology and genetic engineering as points for critical analysis and mechanisms for sculpting.

Fishman  has shared and exhibited her work internationally at galleries and institutions such as the Indian Ceramics Triennale, Caltech, Printed Matter, and the Jewish Museum in NYC. She is a recent MFA Sculpture graduate from Columbia University and has participated in residencies at ACRE, NAHR, Art Ichol, and High Desert Observatory.

Currently, Fishman is an Artist in Residence at Smack Mellon and a 2024 Puffins Grant recipient.

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Photo by Sarah Tortora

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Sasha Fishman © 2024